2018 Team #7 - Flying Flashes

Speed Unit: MPH Change to Knots

2018 Team #7 - Flying Flashes

Individual is:
    1st: 1st Time
    99: 99s Member
    WAI: WAI Member
    DNS: Did Not Start
Leg Start/Stop Date Departure Date Arrival Elapsed Time Miles (Statute) Speed (MPH) Penalty (MPH) Score (MPH) Place
1 KSWW KAVK June 19 08:32:52.000 CDT June 19 10:32:59.000 CDT 02:00:06.932 314.625 157.161 13.184 14
2 KAVK KBIE June 19 11:56:01.000 CDT June 19 13:38:06.000 CDT 01:42:04.037 264.867 155.701 11.724 22
3 KBIE KFBL Leg Canceled --- --- DNS
4 KFBL KGBG Leg Canceled --- --- DNS
5 KGBG KGWB Leg Canceled --- --- DNS
6 KGWB KCAD Leg Canceled --- --- DNS
7 KCAD KVTA Leg Canceled --- --- DNS
8 KVTA KPEO Leg Canceled --- --- DNS
9 KPEO KIZG June 22 12:48:40.000 EDT June 22 15:05:43.556 EDT 02:17:03.020 320.747 140.422 -3.555 14
Totals: 05:59:13.989 900.239 150.360 --- 6.383 14

Note: The manual times above are accurate to the second. GPS times are accurate to the millisecond. Legs marked with an * were canceled and not included in overall results. Times and prizes for canceled legs are shown for teams that successfully flew the legs before they were canceled.

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